Welcome…. Anyone?

I’m new to word press, not sure anyone other than myself will ever read this or that there will be more than one post on this blog. I’ve used live journal before, kind of religiously all through middle school. I also have a tumblr but i feel like i don’t want to drown people in my thoughts like i can in a blog. So today while being productive at work i decided to start one.

I’m not sure what this blog will be about there is really no central theme. I like running i like make-up i love to eat and sometimes cook. So i guess just like me it’ll be a bit sporadic and random.

I thought about making a blog about an average girl who enjoys make up tutorials on YouTube and other blogs but never really does any of the looks correctly, so that too will be included in this blog. Maybe videos as well shucks who knows it’s my blog maybe ill just let my cat stand on my keyboard and have him do a few guest appearances on my blog. “Deep thoughts by Professor Kitty” we’ll call it and by we i mean me and my committee of teddy bears who will be my only avid readers.

*** and i post by me can’t be completed without a cat picture


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